
International All Breeds Judge - Davida Brown


Dogs are my life and have been since I was a child. I grew up with Cocker Spaniels and can remember traveling through the night to Dog Shows sharing the back seat with the dogs.  When our mother was overseas on a judging appoint - her trip coincided with the renowned Judy de Casembroot from the U.K., judging a cocker Specialty in Wellington. Although we were only about 10 and 11 years old, off to Wellington we went on the train to show Mum's Dogs. We often joke that The 'COCKER SPANIEL' is in our genes!


In the early days there were also Poodles, then Dobermans and Dachshund. As well as the Cocker Spaniels then came American Cockers and English Setters.                                                                                  


Bichon Frise entered my life in the 1970s and since then I breed and show Eng Cocker Spaniels and Bichon Frise.  I exhibit the dogs I have bred under the prefixes - Woodfalls and Shandau.


I married into Dachshunds in 1973 and throughout the following years my husband and I have bred

and shown Dachshunds all varieties for many years.


Having Imported and Exhibited many dogs there is nothing more exciting than showing and winning with a home bred dog - the result of years experience and knowledge.


I have taken two of our home bred dogs to the Eukanuba World Challenge, firstly in 2010 at Long Beach California and secondly in 2017 to Crufts where we finished in the Top Ten. I was very proud to represent New Zealand with two dogs from our kennel.


I am an International All Breeds Judge. President of an All-Breeds Club in NZ and Chairman of our local Judges Association.


I sat my first judging exam in 1980 Gundog Breeds and Group. I went on to sit and pass exams for the other groups and became an All-Breeds Judge in 1997.

I have had the honor to have judged my breeds in many countries as well as New Zealand.

America, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Finland, Indonesia. Bulgaria. Brazil. China. Japan. Malaysia. I also have pending judging appointments in Sweden, France and Finland.




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Davida Brown
Dairy Flat R.D.4. Albany
Auckland. New Zealand.
Ph: 0064 9 4265681.  Email: [email protected]




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